Call for Tracks



Track 1: Modeling, Design, and Control of High Quality Electric Machines for Physical Energy Storage Systems

Chair: Yiming Ma, (CSG PGC Energy Storage Research Institute, Dr./ Senior Engineer)
Co-chair: Liyang Liu, (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology-Guang Zhou, Dr.)
Co-chair: Lu Sun, (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Dr.)
Member: Zequan Li, (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Dr.)
Member: Xinchi Ma, (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Dr.)
Member: Haoyu Kang, (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Abstract—The rapid development of renewable energy generation and electrified transportation has posed tremendous risks and challenges on the modern power system. To suppress the increasing level of stability issues and to improve the capability for flexible operation, it is important to integrate energy storage technology in power system that enables the electricity to be stored and used later. Advanced physical energy storage includes pumped hydro energy storage, compressed air energy storage, flywheel energy storage, and solid gravity energy storage etc., which covers a wide range of applications with different demands on power and discharging duration and shows significant advantages to be utilized in power system. Electric machines are the core energy conversion equipment of physical energy storage systems, and their quality plays a crucial role in the operational performance of energy storage systems. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out in-depth innovative research.

Content- To improve the performance of physical energy storage devices and to promote the industrialization, for the core energy conversion equipment electric machines, further researches on relating techniques and apparatus from different perspectives including concepts, topology, design, modelling, control, and operation are required. The purpose of this track is to provide a platform for researchers to share their cutting-edge progress on electric machine techniques and apparatus used for physical energy storage system.

Permanent-magnet synchronous machine
Wound field synchronous machine
Doubly-fed induction machine
Induction motor
Electric motor modelling method
Multi-objective optimization method
Electric motor control method
Applications and experiments
Intelligent operation and maintenance