Call for Tracks



Track 11: Digitalized Operation and Decision Making for Modern Power Grids

Chair: Lipeng Zhu, (Hunan University, Professor)
Co-chair: Jiayong Li, (Hunan University, Associate Professor)
Co-chair: Cong Zhang, (Hunan University, Associate Professor)

In modern power grids, the availability of various digitalized information and communication technologies has provided immense opportunities to enhance the intelligence level of system-wide operation and decision making by leveraging emerging data-driven analysis and decision-making methods, e.g., artificial intelligence and statistical learning. Consequently, this would largely help upgrade modern power grids towards digitalized grids from a data-driven perspective. This track copes with recent advances and new trends in digitalized operation and decision making for modern power grids. It is planned to be organized in a mixed form, including not only professional talks given by invited researchers but also paper submissions and presentations by interested authors.

This track focuses on addressing the emerging topic of how to unlock the great potential of data-driven technologies to enhance digitalized smart grid operation and decision making. Powerful data-driven solutions can be systematically developed by appropriately employing advanced artificial intelligence and statistical learning techniques to explore and mine valuable information hidden behind massive measurement data in practical grids. For paper submissions, specific topics of interest include but are not limited to:
• Data cleansing and analytics in smart grids
• Data-driven energy management and optimized operation
• Data-driven renewable generation/load forecasting
• Data-driven power system dynamics modeling and identification
• Data-driven power system dynamic stability/security assessment
• Power system fault/event detection based on data analytics