Call for Tracks



Track 12: Coordinated Optimization and Control of Integrated Energy Systems

Chair: Wei Yao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Co-chair: Jiehui Zheng (main contact person), South China University of Technology

This Section is concerned with the research on the key fundamental issues of integrated energy systems (IESs) optimization and control under uncertainties, which consist of four parts: 1) Modeling of IESs, in inclusion of modeling the dynamic behaviors of various energy devices as well as their connections to form an IES model; 2) development of high-dimensional multi-objective stochastic optimization algorithms; 3) development of decision-making support for determination of the final optimal solution for the planning and operation of IESs under uncertainties, selected from the Pareto sets of the multi-objective optimization computation, and 4) coordinated control for distributed IESs connected to the main power grid.


• Modeling for integrated energy systems;
• Energy storage technologies;
• Uncertainties management;
• Multi-objective optimization;
• Decision-making support;
• Net zero-carbon emission of IES;
• Economy and reliability evaluation;
• Coordinated Control for IES.