Call for Tracks



Track 5: Mathematical Perspectives on Stability Analysis and Control of Power Systems

Feng Ji, State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co. Ltd., Beijing
Yang Liu, School of Electric Power Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

Abstract—With the growing complexity in the composition and dynamic behavior introduced by power electronics and renewable energy, modern power systems are facing unprecedented uncertainties and challenges in operation and control. This workshop focuses on the fundamental mathematical problems in the system modelling, stability analysis and control of future power systems. Researchers in the field of both mathematics and electrical engineering are invited, and it is expected to generate inter-disciplinary thoughts and collaborations.

Invited Speakers:
Speaker 1: Yifa Tang, Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Speaker 2: Feng Ji, Professor Engineer, State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co. Ltd., Beijing, China
Speaker 3: Chao Duan, Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Speaker 4: Longze Kou, Senior Research Engineer, State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co. Ltd., Beijing, China
Speaker 5: Xiangyu Pei, Associate Professor, Huairou Laboratory, Beijing, China
Speaker 6: Yang Liu, Associate Professor, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

Speaker 1: Yifa Tang Symplectic Geometry in Power System Analysis
Speaker 2: Feng Ji Kinetics Modelling of Synchronous Generators
Speaker 3: Chao Duan Controllability and Observability of Structured Network Systems
Speaker 4: Longze Kou Real-time Simulation of Power Systems: Hardware and Algorithms
Speaker 5: Xiangyu Pei Novel Control Method of MMC for Wind Farm Integration
Speaker 6: Yang Liu Analytical and Date-Driven Structure-Preserving Dimension-Reducing Mappings For Region of Attraction of Power Systems