Call for Tracks



Track 9: Advanced control technology of generation, operation, and low-carbon electricity trading based on renewable energy

Chair: Wenyang Deng, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in School of Electric Power of South China University of Technology
Co-chair: Mingli Chen, South China University of Technology

After the rapid development in recent decades, key technological breakthroughs have been made in renewable energy power generation and operation control technology, which has realized the safe operation and efficient consumption of renewable energy. However, the power system with high penetration of renewable energy power generation and operation control technology will face new demands still face some challenges as: first, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of renewable energy power generation, developing brand-new equipment, and make them have the ability to independently establish system voltage and frequency; Second, the development of non-traditional renewable energy as hydrogen energy and its applications in the power system also needs the support of technological innovation; Third, renewable energy as the main body of electricity trading can effectively decrease the carbon emissions of the power system, but its trading mechanism needs to be further studied.

This track will collect relevant manuscripts, in order to promote the development of renewable energy power generation and operation control technology, enhance the low-carbon trading of renewable energy, and provide efficient, safe and diverse technical choices for the construction of new power systems.

1) Planning, operation and intelligent regulation of the New Power System
2) Urban multi-energy systems, heating/cooling systems, gas and green hydrogen systems
3) Security, stability, protection and control of the power system with high penetration renewable energy
4) Advanced control solutions of Power electronics considering multi-condition switching
5) Smart device, power-communication coupling networks, distributed control, artificial intelligence
6) Energy storage and hydrogen technology in the power system
7) Electricity market trading mechanism with new energy as the main body

Invited Speakers:
1) Dr. Hongxun Hui, Research Assistant Professor in University of Macau
2) Dr. Siting Dai, Research Assistant Professor in City University of Macau
3) Prof. Sizhe Chen, Professor in Guangdong University of Technology.